
Contemporary Classical Performance Musician

A contemporary classical musician specializes in performing works recently composed in the western classical tradition.

While the idea of classical music may bring to mind music of the past, contemporary classical music (new or recently composed western classical music) is an exciting and thriving performance art that pushes the boundaries of the classic music tradition and challenges its very definition. Contemporary classical works stretch the limitations of performers’ abilities, instruments, tonalities, and even the way music is notated, all while paying respect to its classical roots. Performers and composers who make this music their primary focus are trained in the classical tradition and advocate the creation and performance of new music.

The high level of technical ability and artistry contemporary classical music requires means that a career in this field often begins with undergraduate and graduate degrees in performance. From there, contemporary performers’ careers vary greatly due to the innovative and exploratory nature of this artform. A career in contemporary performance is limited only by the player’s ambition and creativity.

One common professional route is participating in ensembles dedicated to the performance of new music or working as a performer/composer (someone who both performs and writes music). Others focus on the creation of new music technologies, techniques, and performance settings to expand what is possible in the classical world. Musicians who are explorative, ambitious, expressive, determined, and willing to challenge both themselves and boundaries make excellent contemporary musicians. 

What are the education requirements?

  • A Degree is Recommended

What degree is recommended?

  • Bachelor's degree

  • Master's degree

Zack Sahms
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