Careers in Music


Careers in Music is an interactive tool designed for students, parents, and teachers to explore the vast world of music-related careers. The tool showcases more than 169 different careers and provides detailed information on each of them, including descriptions, photographs, and recommended education/degree paths. These careers are classified into nine categories: Music Medicine & Sciences, Education & Research, Performance, Technology & Production, Instrument Design & Repair, Sales & Retail, Journalism, Media, and Public Relations, Arts Administration, and Representation.


How it Works

Step 1: Find Your Match. 👨🏽‍💻

Take the Careers in Music Skills Quiz to find a starting point for your journey.

Step 2: Discover. 🕵️‍♂️

There are hundreds of Careers in Music! Check out your quiz results and then explore more careers on your own.

Step 3: Dive Deep. 🎥 Coming Soon

Hear from successful musicians about their careers and check our all of our additional resources.


 Featured Careers

Music Medicine & Sciences

Medicine & Sciences


Education & Research

College / University / Conservatory

Drum Corps

Early Childhood Music Education & K-12




Technology & Production

Film Music, TV & Video Games



Music Prepartion


Instrument Design & Repair

Repair / Technician

Instrument Maker

Sales & Retail

Journalism, Media, & Public Relations (PR)

Arts Adminstration

Marketing & Communications

Ensemble Management & Concert Production

Finance & Fundraising/Philanthropy

Education & Community Outreach



Music Publishing / Record Labels

Unions / Guilds

Law / Legal


Careers in Music Graph