Music Medicine & Sciences

Music Medicine & Sciences

Also known as Music Therapy, Music as Medicine

People involved in music medicine use music to heal and/or improve the lives of others.

While music as medicine commonly brings to mind the performance of classical instruments in a hospital setting (see music therapy), the practice has evolved greatly in recent years. It now includes work such as the creation of new instruments specifically for therapeutic usage and development of vibroacoustic therapies (utilizing the percussive effects of low range frequencies to stimulate and relax the body).

Professionals in this field include medical researchers and professionals, trained performers, teachers, and instrument makers. As modern research continues to show the positive benefits of music to the mind and body, the variety of career opportunities will continue to expand.

Music as medicine can be a promising field for musicians who are strong academically but are equally passionate about the importance of music and its benefits to others, or for talented performers who want to further pursue their art as a service to others.

What are the education requirements?

  • A Degree is Recommended

What degree is recommended?

  • Bachelor's degree

  • Master's degree

  • Doctoral degree

Zack Sahms
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