Technology & Production

Music Touring Company

Also known as Music Touring Logistics

Companies who specialize in the logistics of setting up and transporting everything needed for music concerts in large venues

If you have ever attended or watched a recording of your favorite artist at a huge, sold-out concert with an impressive stage and intricate lighting system, you have seen the handiwork of a music touring company. These companies make national and worldwide tours become reality, handling all of the details needed to transport, set up, and breakdown a performance at each stop of a tour without any delays. 

In addition to the logistical aspects of scheduling and planning getting a tour from stop to stop, these companies provide the physical means of getting the gear and staging to each location. It is common to see an entire fleet of trucks arriving in a city just prior to a major artist’s concert delivering all of the staging, scaffolding, lighting, equipment, speakers, cranes, seating, and anything else required to get the stage ready. Some touring companies will additionally transport the actual musicians or their instruments (see Music Cartage) in order to offer an all-inclusive product to artists looking to simplify the daunting endeavor of getting a show on the road. 

No formal education is required for this career, but degrees in music production or music management can provide valuable knowledge on the inner workings of the music industry and the challenges of coordinating a tour. Work experience and internships with stage crews, production companies, and music venues provide the hands-on experience of setting up and breaking down performances on a tight schedule. Musician’s experience with performing and being on stage can provide valuable insights to what artists want out of a touring company. 

Are internships or apprenticeships recommended?

  • Internship is recommended.

  • Apprenticeship is recommended

Zack Sahms
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