
Musical Theatre / Broadway Performer

Music theater performers are in Broadway and musical theater productions.

A musical theater or Broadway performer is on the stage as a character in a production. A musical theater performer is more than just a vocalist and must have training in dance and theater as well. Working in musical theater can be a very exciting experience, especially since new works are constantly being made and adapted for contemporary audiences.

A career in musical theater is good for someone who loves being on stage, is interested in a fast-paced setting, and wants to work with a large team of actors, musicians, writers, and stage crew. A musical theater performer is often associated with a specific company and will work with other company members within a specific location. Other theater companies may travel to perform.

Companies hire performers through an audition process. In order to be competitive for an audition, performers must have strong singing, acting, and dance skills. Many performers will get the training needed for this level of performance at college, though a degree is not required. Some colleges offer musical theater degrees, other performers will obtain vocal performance and theater dual-degree or combine training in vocal performance, theater, and dance. 

Jessandra Kono
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