Technology & Production

Post Production Supervisor

A post production supervisor coordinates the overall workflow and progress during post production of a film or project.

A post production supervisor is someone who manages all the parts that go into post production of a project, while staying within the budget and producing the final project on time. This means working closely with the financial departments and managing all editing and effects such as sound editing and mixing. While the job is focused on post production, the supervisor starts working during pre-production to hire all necessary employees who will be needed for post production services. They work with production staff to consider any significant limitations that need to be addressed before the project is handed off to the post production team. 

This career is good for anyone who enjoys problem solving and would like to have an integral role in many areas of a production. Post production supervisors work either with a specific company or as freelance supervisors. 

Post production supervisors are expected to obtain a bachelor's degree in a related field such as sound or film editing. Some supervisors choose to obtain a master’s degree as well, though it is not required. Since a post production supervisor has many managerial responsibilities, they are expected to have experience as senior editors or other managerial roles. 

What are the education requirements?

  • A Degree is Recommended

What degree is recommended?

  • Bachelor's degree

  • Master's degree

Jessandra Kono
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