Technology & Production

Recording Studio Owner

The recording studio owner is in charge of its productions.

A recording studio owner is the person ultimately in charge of a recording studio, whether they started it themselves or purchased it. They manage its location, equipment, production, staffing, and make sure the business remains profitable. In smaller studios, the owner will often be involved in the actual music production and recording along with managing the business aspects behind the scenes. Other studios will have the owner exclusively focus on managing the business while a studio manager and recording engineers assist clients. 

Studio owners must have strong connections in the music industry and establish an extensive professional network to source new clients and grow their business. Having a solid grasp of business practices, the music industry, recording studio practices, and a developed ear for music are requirements for this career path. Degrees in areas like business, music business, or performance can be a huge advantage toward running a successful studio. Any experience recording, mastering, and producing music are great for learning studio practices.

What are the education requirements?

  • N/A

What degree is recommended?

  • Bachelor's degree

Are internships or apprenticeships recommended?

  • Internship is recommended.

Zack Sahms
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