
Union Board Member / Executive Officer

Union leadership is responsible for managing the union’s operations and forming its initiatives while overseeing that the union fulfills its promises.

A union’s core leadership is formed by its board members, who are usually long-time union members that have been elected by their peers to represent their interests and guide the union. Board members include the president, vice president, treasurer, secretary, trustees, and executive officers of the union. These leadership roles are responsible for managing all aspects of the union’s operations, including making corporate-level financial decisions, and forming initiatives that advance the union’s goals of serving and protecting its members in the workplace. 

Trustees are unique in that they are often specifically not members of the union in order to avoid any conflict of interest. They assess whether or not the board is meeting the expectations and responsibilities that union members have entrusted to them. Executive officers serve as public-facing representatives and executive-level managers of different operations in addition to their board member duties.

Musicians who are passionate about performing and actively advocating for the rights of their fellow musicians can find being a board member or executive of their local union fulfilling and engaging work. This career path most often begins by being a performer and an active member of your local union. Many union members at this level dedicate a large amount of time to their union efforts and management in addition to their performance or freelance work.

What are the education requirements?

  • N/A

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American Federation of Musicians

Zack Sahms
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