Technology & Production

Audio and Media Operator

Also known as Pro Tools Operator

The audio and media operator is responsible for the post production elements of a project.

An audio and media operator is a person responsible for editing the audio and other media elements of a production. This includes working with both the video and audio editing components. Most positions require audio and media operators to be certified Pro Tools operators as well. 

The audio and media operator may work on a team with other operators or, for smaller projects, they may be expected to work alone. They work closely with the post production supervisor to ensure their portion of post production is done in a timely manner and within budget. They may work with a specific studio, a third party technology services company, or as a freelancer. 

Audio and media operators are expected to obtain a bachelor's degree in a related field such as sound or film editing and to obtain certification in DAW operation. 

What are the education requirements?

  • A Degree is Required

  • A License or Certification is Required

What degree is recommended?

  • Bachelor's degree

  • Certificate

Additional Info

Avid Certified Operator: Pro Tools

Jessandra Kono
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